Picture Catchup

Gabe found a spider.  He had to get the fly swatter, not to kill the spider, but to help carry it outside.  Unfortunately, the spider got squished in the process of getting it on the fly swatter...

Gabe spent the night with Gram and Gramps and apparently didn't get enough sleep because he was wiped out for our coffee date after church.

Post-nap snuggles with Gramps.

Gabe found a "doot-do-da-loo."  He actually had to walk down and doot-do-da-loo in all of them.  It's a good thing they aren't dirty or anything...

It was Childcare Worker Appreciation Day, so Gabe and I stopped on the way to school and picked up some flowers for his teachers.

Bryson thought my boots were so funny!  I'm impressed that he could even walk in them...

For Mother's Day, we went out to the beach and had a picnic.  The boys had a great time playing with rocks, digging in excavators and playing in the sand.  These two are going to have way too much fun this summer...


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