3 Months Old

Somehow Josy is three months old. I have no idea how that happened...

He is just a happy little guy. Actually, he’s really not that little, as I pulled out all of his six month clothes. He’s just starting to figure out how to grab at things, Bella’s hair being his favorite target. He sat and played in the grass the other day, moving his feet around to feel the grass. He can roll front to back and back to side, so I’m sure that back to front is coming soon. He’s scooting around a bit too. The other night I laid him down in bed and when I went and got him he was laying completely sideways. Mobility is just a matter of time... He’s also quickly loosing his hair and will likely be bald within the week. I thought he’d have at least 20 years before going bald, but he’s starting early.

He’s the sweetest little baby and we’re so glad he’s a part of our life. Gabe might be the most excited though as he spends a lot of time each day telling Josy how much he loves him.


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