Last Weekend...

Last weekend was a little crazy around here. Gabe had an eye appointment, so he and Pat had a special Daddy/Gabe trip for the weekend. Josy and I went to a girls weekend for all of the women on my dad’s side of the family (minus 3...). Bella had school, so she went and stayed with a friend for the weekend. I have no pictures from Bella or Gabe’s weekends, but I can report that they all had a great and Gabe’s eye appointment went well. The doctor actually told us that we can skip next years as long as he can pass a kindergarten eye exam. (Don’t worry, he’s still two years away from kindergarten, but at the rate he’s going, he’ll definitely know enough letters next year to be able to take the test.)

I do have pictures from my trip though! :)

Friday morning, Josy and I got up nice and early and flew to Seattle. With Pat gone, Gram and Gramps gone and all of my friends catching the ferry that morning for the big race, I got to get Josy, his carseat and the suitcase all by myself from Gram and Gramps’ house, over the gravel path, across the street and to the airport. I’m sure it was quite the sight, but we made it. (Pat had to make the same trek backwards Sunday night in the dark with Gabe on his shoulders, the suitcase, the carseat and the balloon. Apparently the balloon tried to escape, but "Daddy rescued it." Our life would be a bit easier if we didn’t have to fight with the carseats...)

Between flying, waiting for everyone’s planes to land, a quick trip to IKEA, food, a three hour drive and traffic, we finally made it to the beach at about 9pm. Needless to say, we were all tired, but mostly Josy who was so tired that he was not interested in sleeping. Poor kid.

Saturday we went to Pacific Beach, where there was a huge kite festival going on. There were some crazy fancy kites and it was kindof a bummer that we didn’t have Gabe and Bryson because they would have loved it!

Pacific Beach also happens to be where my other grandparents grew up. We found the empty lot where Grandpa’s house used to be, as well one of the three houses that would have been Grandma’s house. (Mom wasn’t sure exactly which one was hers.) I know this trip was about hanging out with the other side of the family, but it was fun to explore Pacific Beach a bit...

The rest of the weekend was spent playing games, talking, laughing, eating smores and minigolf. Josy got passed from person to person and got so many snuggles in that by the time we got to the hotel Sunday night, he was happy to lay on the bed and kick his feet. But too many snuggles is definitely a good problem to have...

Sunday everyone else went home, but Gram, Josy and I didn’t fly out until Monday evening, so we took the light rail into Seattle and spent the day wandering. We hit up Pike’s Street Market, ate Irish food, bought some new shoes and just wandered aimlessly for awhile. It was lovely, although Josiah did think that Pike’s Market was way too loud and a bit overwhelming. To be fair, though, he’s not old enough to appreciate the fish throwing...

It was a little funny to be in Seattle, carrying Josy around Seattle in the Tula when my Facebook memories popped up pictures from three years ago, when Pat and I took Gabe to his doctor’s appointment and we carried him around Seattle in the Tula. They were even wearing the same clothes. And neither of them were impressed by Safeco Field...


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