My Silly Gabe...

G: Do we lick bowels?
M: Only if they’re full of ice cream.
G: You’re joking me!

Every morning Gabe watches Blippi when he wakes up and I go back to bed. He’s allowed to watch only Blippi and if another show turns on, he had to turn it off or he looses his Blippi privileges. This morning he came bursting into our bedroom and says "Mommy, did I lose the privilege???" Apparently another show had turned on... Also, what three year old talks like that???

M: Bella is getting her braces off.
G: And then she’ll be a mom?
M: What? No. Getting your braces off and being a mom are not connected.
G: That’s a bummer.

We went to the grocery store and Gabe saw one of the driving carts in the parking lot and asked if we could use that cart. I told him that it was wet because of the rain, so he might get wet. His response? "I’ll survive." How old is this child???

Gabe loves his little brother so much. He regularly talks about how "he’s ours forever!" He gets him his toys, even when Josy is perfectly happy laying in his mat, because he’s sure that he needs them. And how am I supposed to discipline a kid who isn’t doing what he’s supposed to because he stopped to give his baby brother a kiss???

Gabe just got a big boy bed. My boss’ son is now in high school and too big for his bunk bed, so he gave it to us. Gabe loves it! He’s pretty sure he needs to sleep on the top, but until he can prove that he doesn’t fall out of bed anymore, that’s not going to happen. (And since he fell out of bed twice when he was on his weekend trip with Pat, that’s not going to be anytime soon...) I bought him some new Lightning McQueen sheets and surprised him with them yesterday. He was so excited! Then an hour later I found him laying in his bed, under the covers, eyes wide open, fake snoring loudly. I ask him what he was doing and he told me he was practicing not falling out of bed.

Gabe is now back at school. He loves it! He definitely missed his friends over the summer. However, he’s having trouble getting into the routine of napping at school and is wiggling to keep himself awake. The teachers have told him that he needs to stop wiggling and he told them that "only God has the power to keep him from wiggling." Apparently we need to keep working on theology...


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