Catching Up...
A quick catchup on all the pictures I haven’t posted yet... Josy loves his blanket!! They had a pizza party at school. I don’t them East in the car, but how am I supposed to say no to that face??? We bought strawberry corn on the cob, so we decided to make it. Um, it was a lot of work, the kernels were tiny and didn’t taste any different. But hey, we tried! Lucy discovered Shelley. This could be a disaster. Gabe now leaves his door closed and I heard him pleading with Lucy the other day “Lucy, please don’t kill Shelley!” For the number of birds she can take down, um, I’m not sure Shelley is safe even with the lid on... I was trying to clean out the glove box. Someone thought he was being helpful... We found a house with ghost pirates. Gabe thought it was wonderful! Gramps made Gabe a pegleg. He loves it! He insisted on wearing it to school to show his friends. I told him he could wear it and show them but then I would take it with me... More of this “I’m a big boy and I’m going to...