A Toddler?

Big news around here! I was able to be at work all week last week!!! And I might actually get it all week this week too! Two weeks in a row is crazy talk...

In other news, Josy is now the biggest kid in the baby room and they’re talking about starting to transition him to the toddler room. They were talking about doing it at the beginning of November and I think that’s now been pushed back a month, which is good. He’s doing really good at his walking and he’s made a lot of progress in the last couple of weeks, but he’s still just unstable enough that I’m not sure he’s ready to go hang out with all the big kids yet. And he’s definitely not ready to go on walks around the neighborhood all by himself. In another month and a half I think he’ll be there though. But that said, they are starting to let him play in the toddler room and go play in the toddler park. He’s actually now at the point where he runs to the toddler room if I put him down in the hallway, so I think he likes it there. But he also tries to run to the preschool room. The other day I was telling Gabe goodbye and Josy walked in and sat down at the table, waiting to do fun preschool projects. Um, sorry kid. You are not a preschooler yet...

But they are sending me fun pictures of Josy playing in the toddler areas. My baby is growing up entirely too fast...


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