Pumpkin Carving

We bought a pumpkin. I didn’t really have a plan on when we should carve it, but I figured it would happen eventually. Well, eventually happened when Gabe carried it into the house on a night that we had no other plans and asked if we could carve it. Sometimes it’s hard to say no to that kid...

Josy was way more excited about the pumpkin this year than he was last year. He wanted to help cut it open, even trying to take the knife and cut it himself.

I cut the top off and then he dug right in, pulling seeds out.

Clearly the whisk was his tool of choice...

One the pumpkin was cleaned out, I started working on dinner and Gabe was in charge of keeping Josy out of the pumpkin. That did not go well as sometimes that meant that Gabe was carrying the pumpkin around the house while Josy picked up the paper, spreading seeds everywhere. Oh well...

Once we’d eaten dinner and put Josy to bed, I started carving. Clearly Gabe overestimated my pumpkin carving skills as he wanted a parrot. Um, I’m a smiley face with a tooth sort of pumpkin carvers, not a fancy picture carver. But the internet is a wonderful thing and I found a picture of a parrot and was able to carve it while Gabe kept yelling to “watch out for his beak!” that he was pretty sure I was going to carve off. I did not. Once that was done he started asking about a hook and then Pat asked why I didn’t do a pirate, which Gabe was suddenly super excited about and the next thing I knew, I was googling pirate pictures. Thank goodness for the internet because there was no way I was coming up with that one all by myself... And I think he turned out pretty good!

The parrot did not. I mean, it was fine. But it didn’t let enough light out to actually do anything. Apparently finding random pictures on the internet doesn’t always mean they’ll be any good...


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