Rain, Rain and more Rain

The theme of this weekend was rain. (Along with birthdays and ice cream...) Seriously, the amount of rain we’ve had is ridiculous and I’m ready for some summer weather. But until that comes, we get to keep playing outside in the rain...

After church on Sunday, we went out to lunch with Gram and Gramps to celebrate Gram’s birthday. Gramps decided that the boys needed hot chocolate, and I’m not sure that they’ve ever consumed so much whipped cream in their lives...

After they finished eating, they decided to go hang out in the entry way and Gabe had strict instructions to tell really loudly if Josy tried to go outside. He took this responsibility very seriously. He also decided to demonstrate how to not sit in chairs in public...

After lunch, they’d had lots of sugar, so I took them to the park to play. It was so wet. But they had a wonderful time and weren’t happy with me when I announced that it was time to go home for naps.

On Monday, Pat and a buddy went diving, so I took the boys out to the beach to find the tide pools that I’ve seen so many people posting pictures of. We never found all of the star fish, but we had a great time wandering and found all sorts of muscles and barnacles and porpoises.

Gabe was super excited to find this clam. He ended up finding a second one too (for Josy) and decided to put a tiny speck of sand in them so that they’ll turn into pearls. He carried the two clam shells the rest of the trip, found a good spot with some sand to put in them, and checked them constantly to see if they’ve gotten pearls yet. They’re currently sitting on our porch and he’s still checking them regularly. He did tell me “I wonder when the pearls will start evacuating. I mean, when they’ll be big.” 

Gabe dubbed this “barnacle land.”

Josy made it about 2/3s of the way down the beach and then needed me to carry him. So, I did. But then he was done and he wanted me to carry him the rest of the way back to the car too. That was exhausting and poor Gabe was tired and wanted to be carried too, but I can only carry one boy at a time. But we walked back through the woods, which was much easier, and Josy didn’t freak out on one of our breaks for me to take this adorable picture, so I guess there’s that.

Gabe was pretty sure that we should’ve brought a boat, so we wouldn’t have had to walk all the way back.

G: We should have a little boat.
M: We should bring out the kayak some time.
G: No, a dingy. With a canon in front. And canon balls. Bella will have to row so that you and Daddy can load the canon to defend us.

Speaking of Daddy, we got back to the beach right in time to see him head into the water.

We may have to try the tide pool thing again, but next time we’ll pick a different beach, or have more adults around to carry tired boys...


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