Sick Kids

I need to catch up on a bunch of pictures, but it’s been a complicated week around here. Josy got set home from school last Wednesday because he was sick. Thursday, both boys were sick, although with opposite symptoms. Then they both had doctors appointments, strep tests and Covid tests, both of which came back negative. Gabe was fine later that day. Josy is still fighting with a stuffy nose a week later. Then on Saturday, Bella came home, and that had the whole house on edge. She left for camp on Monday, though, so she was really only home for two days so far.

In other Josy news, tonight he was looking at a picture of himself on my phone, grinning and saying “You!” Silly kid… Also, they both got weighed at the doctor. Gabe is up to 29lbs and Josy is 25. And did I ever mention that Josy got a few new teeth? Both of his top canines popped through, so I think that’s all of his top teeth. And one of his front bottom ones popped through, so he now has three front bottom teeth, rather than just two. No idea where the other one is…

Also, his talking is finally exploding. His newest one is to hand you a book and say “read dis.” He also loves to go on walks or runs and find “house”, “car”, “bike” and “boat.” He insists on mentioning each one that he sees, so I know that they’re actually words that he knows. Gabe is determined to help him by saying “Josy, say anchor.” Josy will bust out some word and Gabe will be all impressed that he can notes say anchor. Um, not quite…

G: I’m hot.
M: Maybe it’s because you’re wearing two pairs of pants and boots and it’s hot out. Tomorrow you should wear shorts and crocs.
G: I don’t want to wear my crocs. Then my shadow looks like I’m wearing shoes and I don’t like shoes. I like boots.

The boys decided to try and talk to someone. It didn’t work.

We’ve spent a lot of time at the tball field. Gabe is going to be so bummed when the season is over.

Josy and I went for a walk to find the ducks at the duck pond. There were no ducks here, so we headed to another one and instead I ran into a friend and we talked for so long that we never made it. Sorry Josy!

Gabe was pretty sure that he could be Jeremiah’s carseat. Jeremiah was not convinced.

The boys love Lucy. Gabe regularly tucks her in for a nap.

Josy wanted in on it to, so he took String off of her and was going to give her Blankey, but she got out of the box, so he improvised.

They both looked pretty pathetic.

Yet somehow they still managed a smile at the doctors office…

Gabe found a straw and decided to try and drink some apple juice from his apple chunk. It didn’t work.

Neither did sucking up goldfish crackers…

Waiting for covid tests…

More tball…

Bella came home! I told her to smile and she told me that it didn’t matter since she was wearing a mask. The rest of them decided to smile for her.

We had a church picnic and the weather was so nice that Josy even got sunburned.

It also made certain little boys very late for their naps…

You know it’s time to more your lawn when you lose your cat…

Much better!


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