A Long Day

Friday was quite the day…

First of all, Pat was out of town for work. That made things complicated. Then on Thursday, I dropped something off at Gram and Gramps’ house, from the back seat of the car Josy said “Pease. Mommy. Dop. Me. Off. Damps. House.” Unfortunately, that wasn’t  an option and when I told him no, he burst into tears with a “Mommy. I’m. Sad!” Gram came out and talked to him and that made him feel better. When we drove off he said “I’m. Better. Not. Sad.”

So Friday, the schedule worked off differently, so I dropped Josy off at Gram and Gramps and he was a very happy little boy. Gram asked what he wanted to do when he got there and he said “play. Toys. Bam. House.” I don’t think he even noticed when I left.

After an hour or so, Gram took Josy to school, so he really got the best of both world. Then Gram picked up Gabe from school because the friend that he normal hangs out with was sick.

And that’s where life started to get interesting. The plan was that the boys were going to have haircuts at 4. Then we’d go out to dinner with my parents, since yet we’re leaving early the next morning, then Bella had to be at the high school at 6, then we’d all go to the basketball game at 7 in order to head her play in the pep band. The timing was perfect.

I decided to go on a run at work at 2:45, figuring that it was my only shot since Pat was gone all weekend. Halfway through my run, I got a text from Bella saying that the game had been moved to 5:30 and she needed to be at school at 4:30. No problem, she can stay at school, rather than going home on the bus. I’ll pick up whatever she’d needs at home and drop it off to her before the game, since we’ll be done with haircuts around 4:30. Then we’ll just eat dinner after the game, even if that means McDonalds take out.  I picked up Josy from school at 3:45 and Gram met us at haircuts with Gabe and we were all there at 4. Unfortunately, the haircuts took a lot longer than I thought they would. The first stylist wasn’t even ready to start Gabe until 4:25 and the other wasn’t until even later than that. By the time I finally paid and we were ready to walk out there door, it was 5:30 and the game was starting.

I drove home and got a few things, like the things that Bella wanted me to bring her, some snacks and headphones for the boys. Gabe is pretty sensitive to loud noises and they can get pretty loud, so I figured it would be good to have them. (It’s a good thing I did because he wore then the whole time.) As we pulled in, I got a message from Gram that we were just about at half time.

So by the time we finally got there, we’d missed hang the game and the dance team show. But we got to hear the pep band and since the game was a whole lot shorter than I thought it would be, we were done by 6:30 and were able to go get dinner with Gram and Gramps. And the only meltdown we had the whole time was Josy getting upset when I told him that he needed to stop drinking his milk before his had even showed up. Seriously, why do restaurants think that you should bring drinks to kids before their food?? Then they just drink that and forget to eat entirely…

So it all worked out. It just didn’t work out the way that I thought it was going to and even my contingency plan didn’t work. But whatever. It was fun and the boys ended up with cute haircuts.


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