Hot Chocolate Bombs

The kids were all off of school on Monday. Technically it was a holiday for me, but it also wants since my job is weird, so normally I go in anyway. But this year with Gabe in school that didn’t work as well, so I decided to not try and work from home and instead just enjoy having time with the kids. So naturally, the first stop was the dentist.

I was a little nervous when they announced that Josy was going first, but he was a little rock star.

All three kids had a good report on their teeth, so that was good.

Then while Josy was napping, Gabe and I did a bunch of cleaning, including cleaning out Swimmy’s cage. I scrubbed all of the decorations, but apparently I didn’t do a good job because when I told Gabe to go get them so we could put the tank back together, he decided to clean them again. I walked in on this.

He was scrubbing them with the old toothbrush (like I’d been doing) and then used a bunch of handsoap. Hopefully we got all of the soap cleaned off before they went back in Swimmy’s tank…

Once that was done, we decided to make hot chocolate bombs. I’d borrowed the mold from a friend around Christmas time, but just hasn’t gotten around to making them yet and I was feeling bad that I still have them. So that was our project.

They were not pretty. At all. I would even venture to say downright ugly. I don’t think I ever need to try making them again.

But the kids liked them, so I’ll count as a win.

And that was our day.


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