Finally Talking

Josy is finally taking. It’s taken a long time, but in the last two months the words have exploded. He’s starting to use filler words appropriately, making actual sentences. He can respond when you say something, and even tell you about his day. It’s so much fun. He definitely still needs to be interpreted as the words don’t all sounds right and he’s dropping a lot of letters still, but the words are coming out. And he’s not always putting such a huge gap in his sentences the way that he was. He still is sometimes, but not all the time.

This week I dropped him off at school and they were headed out to feed the birds. When he got home, I asked him if he fed the birds.
J: Wose (Rose) feed birds. I watch birds eat popcorn.

Somehow we were walking about monkeys and I told the kids about when I was in Thailand and I got attacked by monkeys and they ate my food, even the plastic bag. The next day on the way to school, Josy said “Monkey eat your wunch. Eat your pastic bag.”

We were playing and I was laying on the ground on my back. He sat on my belly and said “How was your day?”

We found a toilet at Costco.
M: Do we need a toilet? Maybe we should get one when someone starts using the toilet like a big boy. Who in the house don’t use your potty like a big boy?
J: Me!!
M: And who could use the potty like a big boy??
J: Gabey!!

M: For breakfast, do you want cereal or pancakes or toast?
J: Pancakes
M: Okay. Two pancakes?
J: No
M: Three pancakes?
J: No
M: One pancake?
J: Waffles

J: Mommy, hear dat?
M: What was that?
J (grinning): Airane make noise. Fy in sky. Dada go on airpane wif me. Airpane make noise.

Josy was singing “Happy Birthday to Mommy!!! Happy Birthday to Mommy!!” I told him thank you and he responded with “I like cake.”

J: Mommy. Go. To. Store.
M: Why are we going to the store?
J: To. Get. Puppy.

He’s also really into counting. He can’t count higher than about 5, but he really likes to count things anyway. “One aipane, two aipane.”

And every night he wants me to sing Jesus loves the little Josys, which is just Jesus loves the little children, but I swap about children for Josys. Then the other day he asked me to sing Jesus loves the little monkeys. Umm…

And to catch up on pictures, here are a few random ones…

They went to a birthday party and got fake tattoos and a beard so they could be like Daddy.

I have no words for this.

He didn’t feel the best this week, but he was trying to convince me that he felt okay.

He is crazy good at puzzles!! He was doing 35-40 piece puzzles with very little help.

Another basketball game.

Fb memories popped this up today from two years ago. Apparently this is the day we go to Freds and ride the fire truck cart…

More beards like Daddy…


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