Growing Up Way Too Fast

I’m not sure what’s going on with Josy, but it seems like I’m the last month or two he had made all sorts of developmental leaps. He’s talking so much better. The other day, instead of asking me “where banket (blanket)?” he said “where my banket at?” I was really impressed. He definitely still needs interpreted, as he’s really hard to understand, but he’s constantly getting more and more words.

Then last Saturday I got him up and he told me “sit on potty!” I took him downstairs and say him on the potty and after no success, I told him I’d grab him a diaper. He said no. “Just undies!” So we started potty training. We had very little success all week, but then this last weekend he had zero accidents. I was shocked! Then he had a bunch of accidents at school yesterday so obviously he doesn’t have the whole thing figured out, but he made huge progress.

And then yesterday was his first day in the preschool room. He’s been trying to convince us for months that he should be allowed in that room and it’s finally time. He was pretty excited.

Seriously. He’s growing up way too fast.


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