The First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school. Bella was not excited at all, but I think I got the best first day of school picture that I’ve ever gotten out of her.

11th grade

Gabe, on the other hand, was ridiculously excited. We got in the car and he yelled “Goody, goody, goody, goody!!!” the whole way to school.

Josy was pretty convinced that since Gabe isn’t in kindergarten any more, he should get to go. Sorry kid, but no. You’ve got a couple of years to wait 

I picked up Gabe after school and got the whole scoop. He had a wonderful day, school is amazing, and he made all sorts of friends. He has no idea what their names are, but that doesn’t matter.

Bella thought school was terrible, but she thinks that about every school day, so that’s nothing new.

Then I got a call from the daycare that Josy had a fever and I needed to pick him up. Poor kid just sat on my lap for a very long time, even though Gabe was watching TV in the other room, so he clearly didn’t feel good. So I’d say that this first day of school was pretty much a reflection of our life at the moment…


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