Halloween Fun

The boys got to have all sorts of Halloween fun. First of all, we went to the family fun night at school. Gabe got to play game (Josy refused) and then we got ice cream bars.

Gabe got to try his first warhead…

He decided that it was not his favorite…

On Saturday we went to a soccer game and then the Trunk or Treat at church.

We went grocery shopping after that and there boys were very popular in their costumes…

Gabe got to wear his costume to school. Josy was going to, but his teacher got covid and his room was closed that day. It was a lame day to miss, but whatever. Then it turned out that she didn’t have covid, just a regular sickness…

Josy wasn’t nearly as excited for pictures as he was the first time he got to be an astronaut…

We went out to the mall…

Then we had dinner with some friends. 

Then we got home just as everyone else was done trick or treating. We hit the three neighborhood houses and then went home for bed. And we didn’t even have to open the giant back of candy I bought!!


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