
This kid.

Now that he can talk, he is hilarious. I’d forgotten how much fun three is as far as their view on the world. He still definitely needs to be translated. He does not say all of his letters right and that’s hard. It took me a long time the other day to figure out that when he was talking about his friend Bark, he actually meant Clark… But he’s using more words and more logic and I figure that the exact pronunciation of all of his letters will come in time.

We woke up to snow.
J: Mommy. Der snow in my world.


J: I wuv Jesus. He is with me. And he is with this umbrella.

J: Jesus wuv me. He here to help me. He hear to save me. And he have bones. And a bain. And a mouf.

M: How many hearts does Jesus have?
J: Two! No, Jesus have one heart like my one heart.


The other night I picked him up and as I’m buckling him in, I ask him how his day was. “No! On da phone! I will text you!”


J: I need a phone!
M: Um, you don’t really need one.
J: But I need to text Bam!
M: We could call Gram.
J: No, I want to text her!


J: What is for dinner?
M: that’s a great question.
J: No, what is for dinner?
M: That’s a great question.
J: No, I want to know the answer!!
M: Probably mac and cheese.
J: Wif hot dogs??


Josy was on the counter snitching cheerios because “my mouf is empty!”

For a long time, he was convinced that he had two hearts. I have no idea why, but somehow he figured out that he only had one.

Cathy: How many hearts do you have?
J: One
M: What happened to your other heart?
J: It fell off. My ov-er heart is in da dark.


J: Da moon! Da moon! I want to hug the moon.

J: It a moony day and a sunny day.


M: You need to get out of the car.
J: I steching first. I steching wiwy hard. I beathing too.


Josy got a cookie from school. He ate about four bites and then announced “dis cookie make me not feel bewy good. It make me feel sick. It hurt my body. It hurt my heart. It hurt my tummy.” I told him not to eat it if it made him not feel good, so instead he carried it around for an hour before throwing it away.


He’s also a very good helper. Daddy was out of town, so he helped me bring in the trash can.

He’s been eating breakfast in my office, which means that I have to bring milk in a togo cup. He announced that it was “devicious.”

He insists on sleeping just under that blanket. I’ve tried suggesting other blankets also and “I aweady have a banket.” I don’t know how his toes don’t get cold.

We went to Gram’s house and he needed his hat stuff, so he packed them all in his frog and carried him like that.

He insists on eating a piece of dry cereal out of the box after you pour him his cereal, just like his sister.

He’s gotten over his fear of the vacuum enough that he wanted to help me mop and he and I mopped the whole downstairs.

Seriously. He’s one of my favorites. It probably helps that now when you put him to bed, he says “I wuv you. You da best.”


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