
Just catching up on life…

P: you have got to be a punk rocker for Halloween sometime, because of your nose
G: wait, what is a punk rocker?
…. Is it a type of animal?

Cathy made us some kombucha and it was so good that it may be inspiring some violence around our house as everyone wants to drink more. Josy is now walking saying “I will fight you for kombucha.”

Does he have enough snuggly guys???

He is so proud of his new tool apron from Uncle Matt and Auntie Rachael!

Catching up on his coffee on his way into the office…

I finally got the house put back together after being gone. Part of that meant that I cleaned up all of Gabe’s art projects in the den. I love that he loves art projects, but, um, they are going to take over the whole house. He’s already told us that we need to build him a shed to house them all… Anyway, I went through all of his drawings, labeled them with the year that he did them, and stuck them in a folder. I’ve posted a bunch of them here because they’re really good and I’m super proud of his art skills, but I found this one and I love it. It’s our family. Dad is wearing his work boots and hat. Bella has her guitar. Gabe’s wearing his “Dad’s out of this world!” shirt and Josy has his mismatched crocs. It’s perfect.

Speaking of getting older, this one is now old enough to play monopoly and he beat me on the first round. How did he get that old???

Oh, and Mom sent me this picture from Great Wolf Lodge. Conveniently, Gabe’s wearing the shirt he drew in the family picture.


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