
With everything else going on this year, we decided to do a very low key Thanksgiving. We invited Claudia and her kids over and it was just the 7 of us.

We started the day with monkey bread. I introduced Gabe to biscuits in a can and my fear of those cans.

Then we ran the Turkey trot. It was very cold and wet and windy and the boys were convinced that we were trying to torture them. I was all excited to actually run for the first time since my stress fracture, but Josy would have none of it as “this is not a race, it’s a trail!!” I did run .05 miles, but that was literally because I saw the turnaround spot, left him in the middle of the trail, ran to the turnaround and back to him. That said, it felt so good to even think about running again.

Then we went home and started cooking and working on a puzzle.

And I made my first apple pie!!

It was quiet and low key. But really nice.

And then on Friday we got the puzzle finished!


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