
We’re in Maui!!

So, my sister-in-law has a coworker whose daughter is in our town for the summer and wanted to visit her. So she asked if anyone would be interested in a house swap. Um, yes. Pat and I wanted to go back to Maui for our 10 year anniversary, but apparently doing that around Christmas is cost-preventative, which is why we went on a cruise for our anniversary. Technically we’re still celebrating 10 years of marriage, so it totally works. Anyway, they have our house for 10 days and we have Grandpa’s house in Maui. It’s a win-win for everyone!

I will say that I ended up spending the last couple of weeks cleaning to get ready for them. I mean, if you’re going to vacation in someone else’s house, you probably don’t want to stare at the weird pile that’s been sitting in the dresser for the last 3 years, right? So I’ve been crazy cleaning. It’s been driving Pat crazy, but honestly, my house feels so nice and clean and it’s been really nice to be “forced” into cleaning up a bunch of stuff they needed done anyway… Saturday was a bit brutal though. I went on a crazy long run, the longest I’ve ever done in my life, and then I had to attack the giant to do list. It got to the point where I realized that if I sat down, I  b would never stand back up again and I needed to just keep going…

Sunday morning our flight wasn’t crazy early, so we got to get the last couple of loads of laundry in and do the last minute things. Then we left.

Funny story, we actually met up with the family that’s staying in our house while we were in the airport. They seemed lovely, so I think this will all work out well.

The last time we were at Seatac, we ordered food from the Italian place and Josy was not super excited about what we’d ordered. When we picked it up, they told us that they’d accidentally made an order of garlic bread and the person didn’t want it, so they were going to throw it away, but they thought they’d offer it to us instead. I took it and handed it to Josy. He ate the entire thing. He loved it. In fact, when Cathy asked him where he wanted to go for his birthday dinner, he said he wanted the garlic bread. Once we figured out what he was talking about, we shut that down real quick because no one is going to fly to Seattle for a 5-year-old’s birthday dinner. Anyway, since we were at the airport, we got him the garlic bread and he was a very happy boy.

Somehow that child managed to stay awake for the entire flight. It was a rough flight. He did fine until the end when the exhaustion kicked in and he was convinced that the plane was going down because we’d been shot. As soon as we landed and the seatbelt sign was off, he was asleep. I don’t know why he couldn’t have tried that three hours earlier…

The ride to the house was pretty uneventful. Everyone was exhausted and headed to bed pretty quickly. But in the morning, we woke up to this:

Once we all got up and moving, we went to breakfast. Then we did some grocery shopping and errands to get ready for the week. Then we headed over to Makena Beach.

It was wonderful. The surf was pretty high, so we wouldn’t let the boys play in the water much as I was too freaked out about undertow, but they still had a wonderful time. And sitting in the beach watching my boys play was exactly what I needed.

Apparently we wore them out. Gabe was asleep at the restaurant…


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