
Today was a momentous occasion around here: I went back to work. I've been working one day a week all summer, but today was my first day back full time. I haven't worked full time since I went on bedrest 9 months ago, so it's a little strange!

This also means that today was Gabe's first full day at day care. He's gone twice before for just a couple of hours, but today he was there all day. His daycare is in the building next to mine, so I get to go over and feed him during the day, which makes this much easier. It also means that full time is a relative statement. I'm going to work every day, but I'm going to be a bit shy on hours for a bit here as long as someone is eating every two hours...

Gabe is continuing to grow and develop as he should. He's officially tickleish! His big belly laughs are pretty adorable! He's also come along ways on hand coordination. He sees something that he wants and can grab it and get it to his mouth. He can even get his pacifier in his   mouth sometimes, although often it ends up sideways or backwards. 

This morning I watched him do some problem solving. He wanted to grab my wedding ring, so he batted at my hand, hitting the back side of my pinky. When that didn't work, he figured out to bat between my ring finger and pinky and then didn't bat the outside of my pinky at all. Then he was able to grab at my ring. It's fun to watch him figure things out!

Bella had now had 4 days of school and is enjoying it so far. She had the same teacher last year and they've really connected, which is nice. She isn't always the biggest fan of school, so it's great that she's got such a good teacher. One of her best friends moved back to town this summer, which she's very excited about. So far, she's having a great start to the year!

All in all, life is good. We're in a definite season of transition, but it's good. At least, it'll be good once we've all done a bit more adjusting...

And since all good blog posts should include a picture, here is Gabe, enjoying the jumper that we pulled out for him. The first time we put him in it, he jumped for over a half hour!


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