
This week is Bjorn's first birthday. I've never actually met Bjorn, but he and Gabe will forever be linked and since Bjorn's birthday is this week, we start the countdown to Gabe's first birthday.

When Gabe was a few days old, the nurse asked if we wanted to meet the family of another 23 weeker who was about to go home. Bjorn's mom came in and we talked and cried and she helped me see that someday we would get to take our little boy home. We were even in the same room that they'd started in. Ultimately, Bjorn and Gabe would be discharged from the same room as well. A few days later, Bjorn was discharged and they went back home and we haven't seen them since. But somehow Bjorn's birthday is linked with Gabe in my head. A year ago, Bjorn was a tiny little baby in the hospital and he didn't go home until my own tiny baby was there. That means that my baby's birthday is coming up and I'm definitely not ready for that... 

Happy Birthday Bjorn! Someday your and Gabe are going to meet and play and your mom and I are going to swap stories again about the crazy way that you two boys decided to enter the world.


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