The First Few Weeks of Work

I've been back at work now for 5 weeks and so far it's been going pretty well. Luckily I have a really flexible job and a great boss, which makes this much easier. Officially, I'm back to work full time, however that's not really how things are playing out quite yet... Between taking four sick days (1 for Bella and 3 for Gabe), being out of town for two days, leaving work early once a week to take Bella to piano lessons, doctors appointments, dentist appointments, therapy appointments, mortgage appointments, showing the condo to potential renters, feeding Gabe every two hours and the fact that I can't seem to get out of the house earlier than about 9:30, I'm doing good to get in half of my hours. Luckily, my boss is very understanding as I ease back into work.

Gabe is doing well in day care. He loves all the new toys to play with, as well as watching all of the big kids running around. He's not the youngest one there age-wise, but he is developmentally, and he's pretty sure that he needs to be a big kid like all the rest of them. Since he's started going there he's gotten more squawky, so I'm sure that they're only teaching him good things. :)

He also managed to catch a bug from one of them. It wasn't a terrible bug, just a cold, so it hasn't been too bad. Plus, after months of protecting his immune system from absolutely everything, it's good to stress-test his immine system a bit. What I don't like, however, are his new sleep habits. Before he was sick he slept pretty well through the night. When he was sick, I could understand not sleeping well. However, now that he's better, I do not appreciate still getting up every two hours...


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