
I managed to get a good picture of Gabe's new lip thing. It's pretty adorable when you pick him up and he looks at you like that! He's also discovered his tongue and how to stick it out on purpose.

In other news, he's figured out how to pick up his pacifier and put it back in his mouth. He usually gets it in sideways or backwards, but he gets it to his mouth! After spending so much time picking it up and holding it in for him, it's really nice that he can do that on his own now!

I have a very distinct memory from when I was about 7. We were all sitting at the dinner table and my dad was holding my baby sister and she discovered her feet. She grabbed them and shoved them in her mouth. Since that is such a concrete memory for me, I've been waiting for Gabe to "discover" his feet. Well, either I missed it or it was not an actual thing, because he now reaches down and grabs them and tries to eat his toes and I have no idea when or how that happened. Oh well. I'm confident that this won't be the only time that I miss something momentous...


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