9 Month Clothes

This week I pulled out all of Gabe's 9-months clothes. Seeing as he turned 10 months adjusted this week I really shouldn't complain too much that he's finally wearing 9-month clothes... It also means that he suddenly gets to wear super cute clothes like this:

As a side note, it's getting significantly more difficult to take pictures of Gabe because he never wants to hold still...

This week has been a bit interesting as three of the four of us ended up with the stomach flu. Even Bella ended up with it, which is rather odd. The kid has an immune system of steel. I'm not sure how many bugs both Pat and I have gotten and she has just skipped. It's crazy!

Gabe hasn't dropped to his belly to army crawl for well over a week now. He's now straight crawling and it's adorable. He also sat in his high chair for a half hour this evening chewing on a lemon that I'd juiced and zested. Apparently he's taking after his daddy and his sister on that one.

Oh, and he's figured out how to blow raspberries. Silly kid!


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