A Rough Week

We've had a pretty rough week up here. Last Sunday was Matt, the associate pastor, and his families last Sunday here. They've taken a job in Colorado and while we're all excited for this opportunity for them, it's lame that they're leaving. Not only are he and his wife Holly good friends, but Matt has walked our family through a lot. He did Bella's birth mom's funeral. He officiated our wedding. He was the first non-family member to hold Gabe when we got back from the hospital and he baptized him three months later. Apparently our family is not allowed to have any more significant life events now that Matt is leaving.

Sunday was a pretty emotional day for all of us. Then on Wednesday, Debra, a lady that I've known for over 20 years, suddenly passed away. Her daughter Crystal and I are good friend and Crystal and I are now family as she married my uncle. Her son Jesse works with Pat and Jesse's wife Julie was our nurse when we had the cerclage surgery with Gabe. I'm good friends with her pseudo-daughter Cathy also. We all went to church together for years. This was definitely a shock to everyone.

It's been an emotional week. Yesterday Gabe and I walked over to Debra's house to just sit. Well, I sat. He entertained people by crawling around and making fishy faces... But it was good to just be with the family. There were lots of tears, but it was good.

Since all good blog posts need a Gabe picture, here you go. The sun was shining at the perfect angle this morning.



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