The Mouse

Years ago, back when we were dating, Pat had a mouse problem. He set some traps, caught a dozen mice and the problem went away. Right before we got married, we got Max for Bella and that may have helped.

We never saw another mouse. Once, when we were out of town and Max was at a friend's house, my parents were here watching tv. A mouse ran out, saw them, froze and then disappeared. We never saw him again although after Max came back he stared under the dishwasher for a couple of hours, not moving.

Then we got rid of Max...

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a mouse running around outside on the back porch. Then a few days later, I saw him in the house. Um, no. We will not be doing that. Pat set some traps and caught. Problem solved. He rebaited the traps just in case, but we didn't see anything.

Then last weekend, while I was gone, they trapped another. And there was a very brazen one running around the house where everyone could see it.  And both traps were stripped, but they didn't catch anything.

Pat ordered some better traps, but they haven't showed up yet.  So we've spent all week watching this mouse run around, hearing him all over the house, getting into stuff.  It has not been a fun week...

Yesterday I was in the garage and heard a commotion in the living room.  Since Pat was in there, I didn't think anything of it.  But apparently Pat was trying to get it with a shoe.  He almost got it too.  The mouse was cornered, but he is a sneaky little thing and managed to escape.

Then last night, I went to bed before Pat.  I was almost asleep when he came running in to tell me that he'd gotten it with a shoe!  (It was his shoe.  I checked.  I didn't want my shoes implicated in such an event...)  The mouse was gone and I was very happy!

That happiness was short lived.  This morning Bella saw one coming out of her 4th of July candy basket.  She now claims that she's never going in her bedroom again.  The saga continues...


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