Farsi Salmon and Christmas Magic

It's been so much fun to watch the wonder of Christmas through Gabe's eyes this year. Everything is new and exciting and he thinks it's all just amazing.

I wasn't around when Bella was this size. My first Christmas with her, she was 5. She was at her mom's house for part of Christmas and even when she was with Pat and I (at my parents house) she was still in her don't-talk-to-anyone phase, so it was a much different experience. Now she loves Christmas, but the magic at 11 is very different from the magic at 2.

My little two-year-old is super excited to see lights and trees. He doesn't really understand presents yet (which means that he leaves them alone!), but if you hand him one, he gets super excited to open it. He recognizes Santa (and then sticks his lips out and says "Ho ho ho"), but wants nothing to do with him in real life. 

His favorite part about Christmas, though, is Frosty the Snowman.

It came up the first time at breakfast. He didn't want to eat his toast, he just started telling me that he wanted "Salmon". I was really confused. Then he started asking for "Farsi Salmon". I had no idea what he was talking about. It wasn't until a few days later that he said "Farsi Salmon" while pointing at a snowman when we realized that he was talking about Frosty Snowman.

Now he sees "Fosty Salmon" (the Farsi has smoothed out a bit...) everywhere. I got him a Frosty book and he hugged it all through the store while singing "Fosty Salmon! Fosty Salmon!". It was adorable. How could I not buy him a Frosty Snowman book???

Christmas is tomorrow and while it will he a wonderful day, I'm going to miss seeing this all new through Gabe's eyes.



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