Random Gabe Moments

This kid sure makes our lives more entertaining...

This weekend I was putting away the laundry.  I told Gabe what I was doing and then I grabbed a bit stack of clothes and headed to our bedroom.  When I walked back to the living room, I saw Gabe in his room.  He'd also grabbed a stack of Daddy's clothes, put them in the drawer with his clothes and was trying desperately to get the drawer closed.


He was helping me with a sewing project yesterday.  He actually was pretty helpful.  He was poking pins into the fabric and every time that I needed to backstitch, he'd push the reverse button for me.


He found the cat toy this morning, but he's pretty sure that it's a fishing pole.  He spent all morning talking about "Fishen."  At one point he even said "Luv fishen."  The "fishing pole" is currently in my car because he insisted on fishing in the car.


Last week he had a doctor's appointment and the receptionist told me that he could take a candy cane.  I told her that it was fine, as he was just going to play with it rather than eating it, so why not?  He was very proud of his candy cane as we got into the car and started driving.  I figured that there was no way that he could get the plastic off, so he was perfectly fine.  However, a few minutes later I look back and saw that he had broken it in half.  I totally forgot about that option.  A few minutes later, I heard a crunch, crunch.  Since I'm driving, there is nothing I can do besides say "Don't chew it Gabe.  Lick it.  Use your tongue", but obviously that is not going to work at all.  Then I heard a little voice say "Nummy."  Yes, kid, it is nummy.  It's a candy cane!  By the time we got to school and I could get to him, I was missing an inch and a half of candy cane and he was trying to suck the end out of the wrapper.  I may have a little candy cane monster on my hands now.  Oops...


I went for a run and someone decided that he needed to drink his milk right here. He is not helping me stretch...


I got to school the other days and all of the kids had babies in their tummies. Unfortunately, Gabe was wearing overalls, but he still wanted a baby in his tummy like everyone else and he kept saying "Baby tummy, baby tummy." I finally did this, although it looks like his baby is in an ergo or something instead.


Multiple times the other night he crawled up here and said "Weady? Go!" He never actually jumped, but I'm afraid that it's only a matter of time. This kid is going to give me gray hair...


Clearly Daddy needed help finishing his breakfast...


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