Gabe's Birthday Party

Since Gabe is only 2, we decided not to have a big birthday party for him. Next year, when he knows what a birthday is, we'll invite some friends over, but not this year. Instead, we did a family party, with us, Gram and Gramps and Aunt Jan.

I'm still not sure that Gabe understood what was going on, but he loved running around with the balloon. And he would have been perfectly happy to open one present and then just play with that for awhile, rather than having to ignore the fun new toy in order to open another one. This could make Christmas interesting... 

He was very confused by the candles on the cake, but after we wouldn't let him touch them, then he figured out the whole blowing-them-out thing. 

Since Gabe is currently obsessed with garbage trucks, I decided to try and make a Garbage Truck Cake. It was my first time doing anything more complicated than putting two round cakes on top of each other, and I think it turned out pretty well.

After cake, he was definitely on a crazy sugar high. I think he got Gram and Gramps' whole house clean with his new broom!

We got home and he was still on a crazy sugar high. He couldn't decide if he should play with his new garbage truck, mop the floor or run around with a balloon chasing him. So he just did all three.

Eventually he did go to sleep...

Also, I really hope that this whole cleaning obsession sticks around!


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