Random Moments

Random moments from our week...

You know it's going to be a good day ay school when you show up and they have a spaceship!

Bella got her full braces on! I'd post a picture, but considering the fact that she was not happy that I was taking a picture in the first place, I think she'd be really unhappy if I put it on the internet...

Gabe has learned that if he doesn't want to do something, he just says "Mommy snuggle!" and curls up on my shoulder. I have a really hard time prying him off to do whatever the thing was because I really love the snuggles. I'm going to have to watch this one very carefully. That said, now that he's not nursing, I really love the extra snuggles ... This was me trying to get him in his coat and then the carseat yesterday morning. Clearly he did not want to go to school...

Every night, the alarm on my phone goes off to remind us all of something that we need to do. When it went off last night, Pat was busy working on a big project in the kitchen, Bella was getting ready for bed, and I was singing Gabe his song before bed. Needless to say, no one could get to it, so it just kept ringing. After our song, Gabe looked at me and said "Mommy phone." I told him yes, that it was my phone, but I couldn't go turn it off. He said "I get it" and slid off my lap and ran out the door. A few minutes later, he came back with my still-ringing phone, very proud of himself. I was pretty proud of him too.

When he and I are driving to school, usually he insists on coming up with songs for me to sing. He's started asking for "Alelula", which I'm happy to sing. If I can't come up with a specific song to match what he wants, I just end up adding it to Old MacDonald. Several times I've had to sing "Santa Firetruck Farm." Who knew that Santa had a firetruck on Old MacDonald's farm??? I've been waiting for him to want to do the animal sounds that go along with the song, but apparently he'd rather hear me do them. Anyway, yesterday he requested "Frog Farm Song" so I started singing Old MacDonald, yet again. But as soon as I started singing, he started saying "Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit." He ribbited the whole song. It was adorable! Who knew I had a little frog???

He really likes going up the "egabator" (elevator) to get to school. I don't think I'll ever correct him on that one.


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