Gabe Stories

Gabe has this little plastic fish that he got in an Easter egg last month.  He loves this little fish and it often ends up in his carseat so he can play with it in the car.  Last night we had this exchange:
Gabe:  Mommy, I bite fish.
Me:  Why did you bite the fish?
G:  Very, very sad.
M:  The fish is very sad?
G:  Fish very, very sad.  Fish cwying.  Fish take a little rest.
M:  Should we be quiet so the fish can take a little rest?
G:  Mommy quiet.


This morning Gabe took one of Bella's granola bars out of the panty and showed it to me.  I told him no, that it wasn't his and then promptly forgot about it.  A few minutes later, as we were trying to get out the door, Gabe hands me the granola bar and his lunchbox and says "lunchbox."  So, someone got to have a granola bar in his lunchbox...


As I turned down the street to drop Gabe off at school this morning, I saw the garbage truck a block and a half away.  So rather than taking Gabe to school, we walked up the street to go find it.  As soon as we turned the corner, Gabe got super excited, yelling "Hi Gabage tuck!  Hi Gabage tuck!"  We walked a block down the street so that we could get a closer look, passing a garbage can in the process.  Gabe was super excited that we were going to get to watch the garbage truck pick up the trash from that can.  However, instead of crossing the street to the block that we were on, the garbage truck turned up the sidestreet.  Gabe was crushed.  He was sure that the garbage truck had forgotten the garbage can next to us so he kept yelling "Gabage tuck!  Gabage can!  Gabage tuck!  Gabage can!" while pointing at the garbage can.  The garbage truck did not listen.  We had to have a nice chat about the fact that the garbage truck really didn't forget about his garbage can and that it had to get the garbage on the other street also.  As we walked away, he said "Don't worry" as he hit the garbage can on our way by.

The ladies walking by at the time thought he was pretty adorable in his garbage-obsession.  Also, I don't know a lot of garbage men, but do they know that they are my son's heros???


Once we got to school, one of Gabe's daycare ladies told me that a few days ago, they were walking in one of the other buildings so that they could look at the big bear in the atrium.  It was just about lunchtime, so they stopped at the cafe so she could look at the menu.  Apparently Gabe was hungry, so he picked up a bag of goldfish crackers that were sitting on a bin.  Andrea told him no and they put the goldfish back.  A few minutes later, they got on the elevator to head back to school and she heard a crunch.  She asked the kids about it and Gabe got a super guilty look on his face and held up a bag of goldfish crackers.  She asked if he stole them and he said "Sorry Andrea."  They took the crackers back, but she said that the look on his face was priceless. 


Oh!  And I went for a run today!  It was the first time I've been able to run since I got that stupid cold on Easter Sunday and it felt so good!


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