Just Another Thursday

Sometimes it's nice to just remember the random little moments of our day. Plus, if I don't write some of this fun Gabe stuff down, I'm going to forget it and I really don't want to do that.

This morning Gabe got down from his high chair after breakfast and discovered that his blanket was on his stool. He thought this was hilarious. "Blanket over stool! I wanna sit blanket stool!"

Then he got stuck.

Then he found the helicopter. Last night I was at a friend's house and she asked me if Gabe would like her son's old helicopter. Um, yes. But I got home after he was already in bed, so I just left it in the living room for him to find.

He was so excited! He had to take it with him to school (although he had to leave it in the car) and this afternoon when he didn't want to leave school I reminded him that the helicopter was in the car and he was instantly ready to leave. On the way home, he kept talking about "I show Daddy new helicopter."

(Don't worry, the stuff all over his jammies is just milk from breakfast.)

This morning he also picked up a little matchbox car. "Mommy, what's that?" I had no idea what he was pointing to, so I said "I don't know. What is it?" The answer was "rear end tires."

After school, we walked down to the car and found that there was a new puppy sleeping in the window of one of the shops.

Also, he insisted on carrying my empty coffee cup and stopping to drink it every few minutes.

The other day before school he said "Gimme some coffee!", which I did not give him, but I still may be creating a little monster on that front...

Once we got home, Daddy was working on replacing our bedroom door. Gabe really wanted to play with all of Daddy's tools, but Daddy told him to go get his own tools instead. So Gabe got his toolbox and hammer to help Daddy.

Just another normal Thursday around here...


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