A Crazy Week

The last week has been completed crazy.  I think we're all just completely wiped out. Let me back up...

We spent the entire weekend working on the house. I spent Friday evening deep cleaning two bathrooms and Pat spent it moving dirt around with the skid steer. Clearly we are hip, happening people...

Saturday was more of the same.

Gabe and I did take a break to have a tea party and watch the Royal Wedding though.

How pretty is that table???

By the time we got home, the yard was ready for Gabe to put in some seed.

Sunday afternoon was more of the same, yardwork and cleaning. We did take a break to go to Bella's piano recital.

By the time got to bed Sunday evening, the entire house was ready, except for the kitchen and dining room, and a dump run, both of which we finished on Monday night, so the realtor could send over her photographer on Tuesday.

When Gabe woke up on Tuesday, he was sick. He doesn't get sick very often, but he definitely was then. We spent the day snuggling on the couch while he watched a movie and slept. When the photographer came over, he hardly moved, which is a pretty good indicator or how sick he was. Realistically, I think the last few weeks have been so crazy that the little guy just needed a Mommy Snuggle Day. So we did.

Tuesday evening, we started looking at houses. Wednesday Gabe feeling fine, so he went to school. I'm glad he did, because we ended up having two showings for the house, and I wasn't looking forward to sitting at a coffee shop with my sick baby during naptime...

Wednesday is garbage day, which is always a fun time around here. I was trying to get Gabe to eat something (since he hardly ate anything on Tuesday) and to see if he was sick or not, when we thought we heard the garbage truck. It turns out that the neighbor was just being very noisy. But we ended up sitting on the porch for 20 minutes waiting for the garbage truck to come, since we'd seen him go down the street behind us, while I keep feeding Gabe grapes. We also had to have doggie because Gabe was convinced that "Doggie see Garbage tuck."

Eventually the recycle truck did finally come, so Doggie got to see the whole thing.

We went inside and got some breakfast. However, then the actual garbage truck showed up. Rather than taking him out of the high chair, I decided this was easier...

The boy seriously loves his garbage trucks...

By Wednesday evening, we were all fried. We had nothing going on, so I bailed on Bible study and we all stayed home. Pat grilled us some dinner. Gabe rode his bike. Bella sat on the porch and filled us in on all the 6th grade drama. It was lovely!

And then yesterday I had jury duty. Because there's nothing like not having your phone all day in court while the realtor is trying to find more houses for you to look at, and they want to do a showing at your house later that day, and you have to coordinate with your husband to see if he can clean up the kitchen for the showing, and you have to find a place for Bella to go since they want to do the showing while she's home alone.

It was also Bella's last day of school.

Seriously, never a dull moment around here...


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