10 Months

This little guy is 10 months old today! He is a busy little thing, crawling everywhere and getting into everything. He’s figured out how to climb the stairs, which I’m not particularly happy about. And today he discovered the toilet, so I think my life is about to get more interesting... He survived his fourth ear infection this month and will be getting tubes whenever the hospital lets us. He also popped his first tooth last week! But despite ear infections and teething, he’s still a perpetually happy little guy, who is pretty sure that his big brother and his daddy are the best people in the entire world. I think I come in at a distant third...

Also, he insists on holding some sort of fabric when he sucks his thumb. Sometimes it’s my shirt. Sometimes it’s his shirt. Sometimes it’s a bib. I’ve started noticing clothes in his crib in the morning when I wake him up. It turns out that he’s grabbing dirty laundry out of his hamper so he has something to snuggle with...


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