A Day in the Grass

As much as it feels like spring in a lot of places, we still have huge piles of snow in our yard. A good rainstorm would clear that up in a day or so, but no one wants to wish for that. So instead, we’re just waiting for the snow to melt as slowly as possible when the temperature sits in the 36-38 range. Anyway, the patch of grass under one of the trees has finally grown enough that we could go sit outside. For Josy, this was his first time in the grass...

It works pretty well to take a baby in the grass. He thought the whole thing was so weird that he just sat there and picked up funny things on the ground and tried to eat them. Then he’d stick his hands down to crawl, decide that was way too weird, and sit back up. He wasn’t going anyway! I could have left him there (don’t worry, I didn’t!) and not worried a bit about where he would end up. I’d have to worry about what’s in his mouth, but that’s a different issue...

Gabe found something strange in the snow. He was pretty sure it was some sort of fossil. However, upon further excavation, we determined it was the hat and carrot nose from our snowman Rudolf the Red Nosed Snowman. I didn’t let him eat the carrot.

Hopefully the snow will melt soon so we can spend more time outside in the yard now that it’s starting to get a little warmer.


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