Treasure Island

When we were fishing over the summer there was a copy of Treasure Island on the boat. We read several chapters and I was impressed that Gabe was so into it.

Then Auntie Katilyn sent him his own copy of Treasure Island. Oh was he excited!

This last weekend, Pat and Bella were gone visiting his parents, so Gabe and I had a lot of extra time while Josy was napping. So we started reading.

We got through 110 pages in the first day. He wouldn’t let me stop reading. Eventually I told him that I needed a break to get some water, so he told me that he’d get me a glass of water and then we could keep reading.

Every single spare minute he asks if we could read. Poor Josy was not interested in the book at all and would get through two sentences better getting down.

But in six days, we got through the entire 400 page book. I was very impressed. And what 5-year-old can get through Robert Louis Stevenson???

Also, he now wants to read it again.


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