Back to Normal

And now everyone has gone home and we are back to normal things, like cleaning the bathroom. Luckily, I have a super good helper who only sprayed water all over the bathroom once…

I made a roast the other night. Gabe thought it was so great that he went back for fifths. He also requested adult supervision so that he could cut his meat by himself.

He also decided to take this whole pirate thing to a new level and chopped off one of his legs.

My friend Angela moved this week, so we went to a goodbye party for them. She’s the one who’s been watching Gabe in the afternoons all year and he’s gotten really attached to her kids. We’re really going to miss them.

Back to Sunday night Bible time.

Angela gave us a giant box of Popsicle sticks, so Gabe has been making all sorts of art projects with particle sticks and tape. He’s been making airplanes too for Gram and Gramps. So far he’s the American plane, Gramps is British and Gram is Italian (she refuses to be the German plane!), so Gabe is all excited that he and Gramps are “in cahoots!”

Then he decided to make a big airplane. You can’t see the propeller from this angle, just the windshield. He’s also got a lever inside for steering.

“My favite geen gabage tuck!!!” It’s nice when we get to work at the same time as the garbage truck.

Gabe felt like Freddy want eating enough, so he made him a trail to follow.

And lastly, the cats still aren’t getting along, but they’re sleeping in the same vicinity together, so I think we’re making progress.


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