
I’ve always been afraid of berries. I like eating them, but I’m afraid of picking them as I’m terrified of getting the wrong ones and poisening myself. But I’ve always thought that it would be fun.

A couple of days ago, a friend posted about picking salmonberries, so I ended up talking to her and she assured me that there was no way I could confuse a salmonberry with anything sketchy here, and she told me where to get them. So I wanted to go try and pick berries. I mentioned it to Katilyn as a possible activity with the boys a couple of days ago, but she wasn’t super excited about it. So instead we went to the beach to play.

As we were leaving, I was thinking to drive by the salmonberry patch and maybe we could look at them and I could try and convince them to pick berries later. But on the way back to the car, I found a salmonberry bush and we picked a few. I may have created some monsters.

We didn’t have a bag or anything, so we emptied out water bottles and started filling them up. After we emptied those bushes, we drove over to the other patch and filled up the bottles the rest of the way.

The next day we went back and this time we were prepared with bowls. We picked all along the road for awhile and then got piles. But then a lady drove by and told us that she had a whole bunch in her yard and we were welcome to come pick them. It was amazing! Not only did she have piles of berries, but it was much better to not have to worry about little boys running in the street.

We got so many berries. And this doesn’t even include all of the berries that we ate. Really, I should say all of the berries that Josy ate. He didn’t end up with a single berry in his bowl. He ate them all.

Once we got home, I washed them all. It was so many berries! This was just the ones that Katilyn picked…

Yesterday I got all of the berries frozen and I made salmonberry sorbet. (Which is amazing!!!) I also made some sourdough English muffins.

Then today Katilyn and I made jam. (Or jelly. I don’t remember, but ours had the seeds…) Our first batch did not go well. At all.

Needless to say, that batch went in the garbage. But we tried again and it was amazing. And on homemade English muffins?? Dang.

We also had rhubarb chicken using the rhubarb from our yard and salmonberry crisp. It was really good. And it was fun to eat food that we’d grown and gathered ourself.

Also, now we’re all obsessed with salmonberries.


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