The Parade

We all slept in after the fireworks, so I was shocked when we woke up 40 minutes before were needed to leave. Apparently we were all very tired??? Gabe was perfectly fine, so we all packed up and headed to the parade. We managed to find all the same people from the night before, so that worked out great. It’s been a long time since I watched the parade with that big of a group of people.

It was crazy hot and some of the floats passed out otter pops. Brilliant!

We got home and played some games. Gabe even learned how to play Bananagrams. We didn’t make him connect the words, but he was able to spell some, which was great.

The neighbor decided to work on his boat, so naturally all four boys had to watch.

Then we had burgers and s’mores and the boys decided to host a dance party. 

It was a low key day, but it was really nice.


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