Final Spain Thoughts

I passed this on fb right after we got back, but I should post it here so I don’t forget…

Some final Spain thoughts:

* These boys are little troopers. We walked for miles and miles every day. There were long train trips, long bus rides, crazy long lines (including the longest customs line I’ve ever been in anywhere in the world!) and they did amazing. Sure, there was some whining and complaining and moments when they were just done. But they handled all the crazy things we threw at them so, so well. I was very impressed.

* I think we hit every type of transportation there is, short of bicycle and hot air balloon. It was a little boy’s dream. Planes, trains, buses, boat, metro, light rail, street car, tram, funicular, monorail and taxi.

* We did not lose Josy. That was my biggest fear with all that public transportation. Gabe is big enough that we talked about a contingency plan, so he knew what to do if he was stuck on the metro or missed the metro that we’d all gotten on. Josy was not big enough for that yet. But we all stayed together and no one got lost ever.

* Josy only fell down the escalator once. To be fair, we’d gone up so many escalators that he considered himself an expert and had gotten cocky. But maybe after a 10 hour flight it isn’t the best time to try riding an escalator without holding Mom’s hand, with only your toes on the step, while wearing a big backpack that throws off your center of gravity. Luckily he rolled into another dad who picked him up and handed him to me.

* Jetlag is lame.  We were all in bed by 6:30 last night. Of course, we were all also up at 2am… This was dinner last night. Gabe ate most of his dinner and then fell over, sound asleep. Josy is just wishing he was asleep.

That’s all I can think of right now. I’m sure there’s more, but as I said, jet lag is lame and we’re not home yet.


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