Australia: Day 2

Gabe’s favorite animal in the whole world is a koala bear. So we knew that the moment we told him we were coming here, all he would be able to think about is hugging a koala bear. We’ve had many conversations about the fact that under no circumstance are we bringing a koala best home as a pet.

Needless to say, we figured that seeing a koala bear was the first thing we needed to do.

After a pretty good night of sleep, we got up and had some breakfast, then headed to the Featherdale Sydney Wildlife Park. First, though, we had to get breakfast and stop to admire the tower cranes.

It was a pretty small park, compared to most zoos, however it was all Australian animals and we got to touch and feed them. 

I don’t remember what these were. I tight they were a tiny breed of kangaroo, but they had another word for them and I don’t remember what it was. But they were pretty cute.

A wombat.

Australian pelicans are huge!! Gramps would be impressed!

There were koalas everywhere.

And we got to pet them! Josy was having a moment. If you’re going to have a moment, I would not doing it whole you’re petting a koala bear on the best day of your brothers life…

Gabe’s face while waiting in line…

I think these were wallaby? To be honest, I’m still not sure on the difference between and kangaroo and a wallaby.


A Tasmanian devil that refused to hold still long enough food me to get a reasonable picture.

A tree kangaroo.


I’m a little unclear on why there was a goat, but sure.

Cassowary’s are hideous.


We got to play with kangaroos!!

There were also piles of birds, a dingo and ghost bats. It was a really cool park and I’m pretty sure that Gabe would be happy to go there every day.

After we had lunch, we did some shopping at the mall and ran into Marshall.

Gabe has homework to do while he’s gone. Can you find a better spot for homework???

I was trying to take a cute picture of us on the trail. It did not work. So I decided to try with our anger eyebrows. That also did not work. Two of my boys listen to me…

I think we wore him out. He didn’t even make it through dinner. But it was the best day of his life…


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