Australia: Day 6

We went to bed last night after watching the sun set over Uluru, then we got up in order to watch the sunrise over it as well.

Unfortunately that trip involved going to the highest sand dune to eat breakfast and watch the sun rise and that maybe wasn’t the best option in a lightening storm. So we were up to meet the bus at 4:55 and the guide came in and said he’d pick us up at 5:45 instead and we’d go somewhere else for breakfast.

It was a nice breakfast, but the tour definitely had a rough start. Luckily it got much better from there and the storm cooled off the land a lot, so it was downright pleasant walking around, rather than shoot-me-now hot.

Gabe found a cool moth at breakfast.

Then we drove into the national park to get an up close view of Uluru.

Will and Kate sat on this bench.

The flies were so bad that you can see them on my face!

I tried taking a cool artistic shot and I broke Gabe.

Our guide, Rick.

That’s the end where people would climb up, back when they used to let people climb up it.

It started raining right as we finished the walking part of the tour, which was quite convenient time-wise. We walked through the culture center while it rained, and then we stopped at one more lookout briefly on our way back.

We spent the afternoon hanging out in our room, reading Harry Potter, making Gabe do some homework and just having a slower afternoon, which we all needed. Gabe was not thrilled that we couldn’t go swimming, but it definitely was not warm enough but that. We walked into town and did some shopping and walked up to the observation point between the resorts before getting some dinner.

When I went to bed, I found them sleeping like this. Gabe loves his new koala bear!!


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