Gabe's Birthday

It's hard to believe that my baby is 1 now. Facebook keeps popping up pictures from a year ago and it's hard to believe that that tiny little baby who could fit into our hands is now that sweet, adorable, curious ball of energy that we have now. How could this have been a year ago???


Gabe's actual birthday was a pretty normal day. Bella had a presentation at school and she really wanted Gabe to come ("It's my birthday present to him!"), so he and I went to the presentation. Gram also showed up and surprised Bella. She and Gramps have been in Phoenix, but Gram flew up for Gabe's birthday and Bella's piano recital.

In the evening we had a family birthday party. Gabe got to talk to Grammy and Grandpa Jim (I don't have a picture of that...) and he got to facetime with Gramps.

Then he got to opem his family presents. He was a bit confused about this whole present thing at first.

But he got some help from his big sister and that helped a lot!

Like any good one year old, he was very excited about the boxes.

Once Dad put this one together, he thought it was pretty great too!

That's all for tonight. I'd written a big long post about his big birthday party also, but then the program crashed and I lost it all and I'm too tired to finish it tonight...



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