A Little Ladies Man

All the ladies love my little Gabe. To be fair, he's turned into quite the little flirt himself. We went to a party on Friday night and every time he saw one of the other little girls he would grin really big and flap his arms. To be fair, the only three babies there were all girls and he could have been excited to see someone his own size... Then this morning I took him to daydare and two of the girls crawled over to say hello. They laughed and smiled at him, and he smiled and flapped his arms right back. It was adorable! Then I pulled Gabe out of his carseat and sat him down on the floor. One of the girls gave him a huge hug, which really turned into a takle and Gabe ended up on the floor.

They're all pretty adorable!

In other news, Gabe decided to help me with the dishwasher.

He was very excited about it!

We got a new blender. It's very fancy and does an amazing job making baby food for Gabe, but it is very loud. We can't run it if anyone in the house is sleeping. This evening I turned it on and it surprised Gabe so badly that he fell out of the dishwasher.


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