Quite the Week

It's been quite the week up here. Getting back from vacation is always hard, and Gabe seems to be taking it the hardest. He is way more cranky and emotional than he normally is. Maybe he just misses getting to spend all day with Gram and Gramps? I also thought I saw a flash of a tooth, but I can't find it now, so either it went back on or I really didn't see anything... But maybe that's some of the crankiness? One of these a tooth actually will pop through.

Work has been pretty crazy for me this week. The busy season officially starts next week, but it's all been ramping up this week. My boss has been out of town all week, which has made things a but crazier. (Seeing how much time he's been without me in the last year, I really don't fault him for being gone...)

Pat managed to get the cold that I fought with for three weeks. He's only one week into it, so my guess is that he's goy another weeks to go. Now Bella's complaining of a stuffy nose, so hopefully she isn't next...

Gabe's been practicing this whole pulling-himself-up thing. Unfortunately he hasn't figured out what is a stable surface to pull up on quite yet. The tote of Christmas decorations was not a good choice, but he only figured that out after it landed on top of him...

He's also been practicing his fishy face.



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