Our Anniversary

Pat and I have now been married for three years, yet we have managed to only be together for one of those anniversaries... This year he flew back home to work while I stayed down here with the kids for another week. So, last week, we left the kids with Gram and Gramps (the first time we've ever left Gabe!) and went to Sedona for a night.

Actually, it almost didn't happen. Gabe had gotten the same cold that I had, so he wasn't feeling good all week, but it wasn't too bad. Thursday night, however, he has a fever most of the night. Somehow leaving a sick baby with Gram didn't seem very nice, particularly since Gramps had the same cold... I'd been texting with the pediatrition and she told me to take him in if he got a high fever. Gabe's wasn't too high, but I wanted to know if we should leave him, so we ended up at Urgent Care. The first thing they did was to tape a pulseox to his foot to check his oxygen saturation. Um, for all of his doctor visits, the last time that he had a glowing pulseox sensor on his foot was the nicu. Seeing that litle glowing foot hit both of us really hard. It's been a long time since we saw that...

It turns out that Gabe has another ear infection. I was hoping that the tubes were going to end them, but apparently not. But it meant that I wasn't concerned about leaving him with Gram once he has a dose or two of antibiotics.

That meant that Pat and I got to go to Sedona all by ourselves. It was wonderful! We got to go out to dinner, sleep in and not worry about when someone very short was going to wake up in the morning!

Happy Anniversary Sweetie! Here's to many more!


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