Random Gabe Moments

Random Gabe news from the last few days... He is growing and changing so much. Every day that little personality comes out more and more!

Bella taught Gabe to march. It's adorable!

On Saturday I was making dinner, but Gabe was so hungry that he found his diaper bag and dug around until he found a baby food pouch that was in there (for emergencies) and brought it to me. 

He's gotten to the point where he understands what we're saying and can follow directions. Yesterday he kept handing me an unopened waterbottle because he wanted a drink. There was a partially drunk one in the kitchen, so I told him to go get that one. He disappeared into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with the waterbottle.

Yesterday he had a little wooden robot with moveable legs that he was playing with. He got it to stand up on one leg and then proudly yelled "TaDa!"

He's started dancing! His feet don't move, but he bends his knees and waves his arms and grins. It's pretty adorable!

I drop him off at daycare in the mornings and he sits in the highchair to eat his toast, while I put the rest of his food in the fridge. Then I give him a kiss (which is usually very peanut buttery...) and head to work. That's how it's supposed to work. Sometimes I get my kiss. But sometimes he grins at me and tucks his face down so that I have kiss his neck and his cheek and his whole peanut butter covered face. He just laughs and keeps moving his face. He's a little tease! He's also way too little to he running from kisses from his mama...

Speaking of which, he called me Mommy today (with Bella's encouragment). Then he pointed at himself and grinned. I'm not sure if he's teasing or confused. Silly kid.

He's taking his dishwasher game to a whole new level...

He's trying to eat quinoa with chopsticks. He was not particularly successful.

Bella took this one. He thought the socks on hands were great fun.

This is why my bathroom is always a mess...



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