Santa House

Every year, as part of our Christmas traditions, Pat and Bella build our big Lego Santa's House set. Gabe really wants to help because it has lots of super fun little pieces, but he is not actually helpful. This year he and I watched Christmas movies while they worked on it. Even if he couldn't build it, Gabe loved to look at it and in the middle of dinner (since it was in the dining room) would suddenly point and say "Santa house."

Well, Christmas is over so over the weekend I took apart Santa's House, along with the rest of the Christmas decorations. Gabe even watched me do the end of it and we may have had a little fun...

This morning we were driving to school and Gabe apparently wanted to go on a trip. He kept saying "Mommy aiwplane. Gabey aiwplane." I told him that no, we weren't going on an airplane anytime soon. Then suddenly he started fussing and crying and cried "Santa house!" I didn't even think he'd remembered it, but here he was, crying about Christmas decorations. I told him that Santa went bye bye, but he'd be back next Christmas. In a sad voice, Gabe said "Santa aiwplane?"


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