
We got a cat.

Let me back up. The mouse problem is still out of control. We've probably trapped about 15, but they just keep coming. Realistically, we think that there's one big smart one who just keeps having babies. The ones we're killing are the babies and the mama mouse is too smart for all of our traps.

It's gotten so bad that I was going to ask one of my coworkers if we could borrow her cat. But then I remembered my Aunt Jan. 

Aunt Jan is going out of town for two months and is having trouble finding a housesitter who can take care of her cats. So, we offered to cat sit her cat Toby for two months. Toby will then be able to deal our mouse situation and everyone wins!

We picked up Toby last night. Bella is thrilled as she hasn't been too happy not having any pets for the last six months. Gabe was thrilled when we opened the cat carrier and now runs around the house yelling "Toby Toby Toby Toby!"

Unfortunately, Toby is not nearly as excited about Gabe. I'm not sure that he knows what to do with Gabe's enthusiasm. He spent all last night hiding under the couch. This morning he discovered the laundry room and his next to the dryer for most of the morning. Pat said that he did see him explore late last night, but he got scared and ran under the couch when he stood up.

Then today we lost him. We searched everywhere. We even checked the snow outside to see if there were any kitty footprints to see if he'd somehow escaped. Nothing. We finally got to the point where we were trying to figure out if he'd gotten into one of the appliances.

I finally opened one of the kitchen cupboards that hadn't been opened in many hours and I found this:

Apparently Toby can open cabinet doors.

He's still in there and we found him 5 hours ago. I can't say that I blame him though. Coming out means that he has to face this.

"Hi Toby! Hi Toby! Hi Toby! Hi Toby!"

"Gabey Toby lap. Toby lap."

Seriously, poor Toby cannot handle Gabe's excitement. And Gabe just thinks this is wonderful.
Bella said she saw him chasing a mouse this morning. Mice, consider this your eviction notice!


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