A Quick Catchup

The problem with trying to sell your house is that at any given moment, the realtor can call and tell you that someone wants to look at your house the next. While this is good (since people aren’t going to buy your house if they can’t look at it) it also means that all of your evening plans go out the window because suddenly you need to clean... This had happened twice this week. On Tuesday Pat was out of town for work and I was excited to put the kids to bed and then have the rest of the evening all to myself. Nope. We had a showing on Wednesday, so my Tuesday night was spent cleaning. Then last night we were running around crazy trying to do all the prepwork for this weekend...while also making sure that the house was spotless for a showing this morning. Needless to say, the run that I needed to go on did not happen...

But such is life...

And that’s pretty much how my week has gone. We’re getting into the swing of school and as much as Bella is not happy about being in school again, I’m glad for a little routine. The little guy continues to be a source of much laughter and silliness around here...

Gabe: What’s the parrot say?
Me: Polly Want a Cracker?
G: Polly Want a Cracker?
M: Yes
G: Do they have arms?
M: No, they have wings.
G: So they can fly high in the sky?
M: Yes
G: To get food?
M: Yes
G: To get cracker?

G: Mommy, do you see the helicopter?
M: I do.
G: We should pass it.
M: He’s going to fast for me to pass.
G: We should pass a big truck.
M: Okay. I’ll see what I can do.
G: A big orange truck with a car top.
M: Um...
G: And a dinosaur car. And a monster truck!

Daycare lady: Don’t sit on the potty until I put the little seat down. I don’t want you to fall in.
G: And then you’ll flush me down the toilet?

He also asked if he could be potty trained, so now we’re working on that.

Just some pre-school playing on Mommy’s bed.

We were actually playing catch, which is a little hard because every time the throw is a little wild, you have you get off the bed to get the ball...

On Wednesday we went to dinner with Uncle Dick. Gabe had just gotten a new book in the mail and insisted that “I bring my book read wif Uncle Dick.” Uncle Dick, being a seasoned Grandpa, didn’t mind at all.


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